DEVON Apple Cake Recipe

This apple cake uses uncooked apples in the cake mix. In this recipe I am using Bramley apple, but you can use any apple you like. As the cake mix is sweet, it works best with a sour apple variety so you get a nice flavour contrast. Granny Smith or Jonathan (kougyoku) work well too.

All the major apple growing regions in the UK have a version of this cake so you will also see names such as Dorset Apple Cake or Somerset Apple Cake, but they are all pretty similar.

Equipment needed: mixing bowl, fine grater, 20cm round loose based cake tin or 20cm square cake tin.

Serve with: custard, ice cream, Swan & Lion Brandy Butter or clotted cream.

250g apples, peeled and core removed150g butter, melted
225g plain flour2 large eggs
1 lemon, rind grated1/2 Tsp vanilla essence
4 Tsp baking powder1 Tsp cinnamon powder
225g sugar (white or light brown )25g flaked almonds (optional)
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160℃.
  2. Lightly grease the inside of the cake tin and line with baking paper (see below for instructions on how to line a round cake tin).
  3. Grate the rind of the lemon and retain.
  4. Peel and quarter the apple, remove the core and cut the quarters into quite thick slices (about 5mm). Place in a bowl and squeeze the lemon juice (to stop the cut apple from going brown).
  5. Into a bowl, measure the flour, baking powder, sugar, melted butter, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla essence. Add the lemon rind and mix well until combined. Beat for about a minute until smooth and loose.
  6. Using 2 dessert spoons, spread half of the mixture evenly into the cake tin. Be careful not to use more than half.
  7. Arrange the sliced apple on the cake mixture, putting more into the central section.
  8. Using the 2 spoons, cover the apple completely with the remaining cake mixture. Make sure the apple is completely covered. You can gently push the apple down a little if it is sticking out.
  9. If using, sprinkle the flaked almonds over the top of the cake. Alternatively, as I did, sprinkle 1 Tbs of sugar on top.
  10. Bake for 80 minutes. Check the cake has fully baked by pushing a skewer or tooth pick into the centre of the cake. If it comes out clean, it is cooked. If you can see cake mix, continue baking for 10 minutes and check again.
  11. Once baked, allow the cake to cool a little and then remove it from the cake tin.
  12. Slice and serve warm or allow to fully cool and serve cold.

How To Line a Round Cake Tin

Grease the cake tin with butter, cut a strip of baking paper slightly longer than the circumference of the tin and about 3cm higher. Fold it back about 2.5cm along its length, then snip it at an angle at intervals up to the fold.

Now press the paper around the sides – the snipped edge will overlap on the base of the tin for a snug fit. Finally, cut a circle out – using the tin as a template – to fit over the snipped paper over the base.