Picnic food ideas

This month we have three very simple recipes to get you started on your picnic menu. And of course, you can add some Swan & Lion products to complete your lineup for a perfect picnic – our Cold Plate Collection or pick some pork pies, sausage rolls, chutney, onion jam etc (available at www.swanandlion.com)

Cheese Straws

150g cheddar cheese, finely grated Pinch of smoked paprika or chili powder (optional)
200g plain flour, plus extra for dustingBlack pepper
100g butter, chilled1 egg yolk
Poppy seeds, black or white sesame seeds (whole or crushed)
  1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC
  2. Put the cheese into a mixing bowl. Sift in the flour and add a sprinkling of smoked paprika or chili, if using. Add some freshly ground black pepper and mix.
  3. Cut the butter into little cubes and rub them into the flour mix with your fingertips. When the butter has almost disappeared into the flour and you have a crumbly mixture, stir in the egg yolk with a knife.
  4. Gather the pastry into a ball of dough. Dust the work surface with plenty of flour. Carefully roll out the cheese dough into a rough square–it should be about 5mm thick. Neaten the edges with the side of your hand.
  5. With a sharp knife, cut the square into approximately 3cm strips, then each strip into fingers. Pour the seeds you are using in a shallow tray and dip one side of each strip in the seeds.
  6. Gently place the straws on to the lined baking sheet, leaving a little space between each one. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 8 minutes. The cheese straws should be a very pale golden brown.
  7. Allow to cool for about 5 minutes and then place the straws on a rack to fully cool. Store in airtight container.

Egg & Bacon Mayo Sandwiches

This is for one standard size sandwich using sliced bread. Scale up to the number you need.

2 slices of soft white bread25g good quality bacon, chopped into about 0.5cm cubes
2 eggs2 tsp mayonnaise
1 tsp spring onion, green part, finely choppedIf you are making your own mayo*:
1 whole egg, 1 tbs vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tsp dijon mustard, 240g vegetable oil, salt to taste
White pepper (or black is also fine)Butter, softened at room temperature
1/4 tsp capers, finely chopped
  1. With a pin, make a small hole in the top of the egg. This will help peeling the shell later. Put the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil then simmer for 6 minutes. Place in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Gently fry the bacon in a frying pan to your liking.
  3. If you are using homemade mayo, make that now. See below.
  4. Peel the eggs, place them in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add the mayo, spring onions, bacon, capers and season with salt and pepper. Gently mix.
  5. Lightly butter the insides of the bread. Spread the mixture onto one slice of bread and top with the other.
  6. If you have a good sandwich box, cut the sandwich to the right shape to fit in. Or wrap the sandwich whole in parchment paper (baking sheet) and cut before serving (see the video below for wrapping).

Mayonnaise Recipe:

1. Stick Blender Method

Gently place all the ingredients into the tall beaker or other tall measuring cup, making sure not to break the egg yolk. Insert the stick blender over the egg yolk and blend. You will see ribbons of mayo forming around the blender head. Now slowly pull the blender up through the oil so the mayo comes together. Taste. Season with more lemon juice/vinegar and salt if required.

2. Food Processor Method

Place the egg, vinegar/lemon juice and Dijon mustard in the food processor bowl. Blend on slow speed until well combined. Increase the speed to high and add the vegetable oil in a slow, continuous trickle through the feeder tube until the mayonnaise thickens. How much oil this takes depends on how large the eggs were. Taste the mayonnaise; adjust the seasoning and lemon juice or vinegar to taste. Briefly blend again to incorporate any additions.

For both methods, if you feel the mayonnaise is too thick, simply add hot water one teaspoon at a time with the motor running until the mayonnaise has the desired consistency.

Wrapping a Sandwich:

Salade Nicoise with a Summer Herb Sauce

It’s always nice to have something green and fresh at a picnic, but in the warmer months, leaf salads can be tricky, quickly going limp and unappealing. This salad is tried and tested at Swan & Lion. A few years ago, we did the catering for the shoot of a Netflix movie, Earthquake Bird. We served over 100 people 2 meals a day, in all kinds of locations and situations. Our salade nicoise proved to be one of the most popular dishes with the cast and crew. It travels very well, if done correctly. In fact, we served this dish on location on a hot day at Narita Airport! If you are serving this at home, you can make the salad and dress it straightaway, but if you are taking it for a picnic you have to take take the dressing separately. This recipe incorporates a lot of the ingredients into the dressing, which makes it easier. The summer herb sauce is optional.

For the salad:

1 cos/romaine lettuce or baby gem lettuce (not baby leaf, rocket or other easy to wilt leaves)1 celery stick, sliced
6 eggs, soft boiled (see egg mayo sandwich recipe above for cooking method)1 pack green beans, top and tailed
1 cucumber, slicedAny other salad vegetable you like, optional

For the dressing:

200g cherry tomatoes, halved2 cans of tuna (about 150g in total) with excess oil removed
Black olives, pitted and chopped into quarters1/2 tsp crushed garlic
6 tbs olive oilsalt and pepper, to taste
8 salted anchovies, with excess salt washed off and finely chopped2 tbs vinegar of your choice

For the summer herb sauce:

1 large courgette1 bunch of basil
1/2 bunch of parsley1 clove of garlic
3 tbs olive oil1 tbs apple vinegar

First prepare the salad:

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves well, tear apart into large pieces and leave in a colander to drain.
  2. In a small saucepan, bring some water to a boil and cook the green beans for 1 to 2 minutes only, until just going a little soft. Drain and place the beans in cold water.
  3. Cut the eggs into quarters.
  4. Mix the lettuce, beans, cucumber, celery and any other vegetables you are using in a large bowl, add the egg and very gently mix with your hands. Place everything into a large lidded container and refrigerate.

Next making the dressing:

  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Place in a small lidded container and refrigerate.

If using, next make the summer herb sauce:

  1. Cut the courgette in half lengthways. With a spoon, remove the seeds. Cut each quarter in half.
  2. Bring a medium pan of salted water to the boil, lower in the courgettes, herbs and garlic and cook until tender, for around 3 minutes. Strain and refresh in a bowl of iced water.
  3. Drain the courgettes and herbs very well, ensuring you remove as much water as possible. Place in a blender, add the olive oil and vinegar and blend until smooth. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper and blend again.
  4. Place the sauce in a small lidded container and refrigerate.

Carry each of the above to your picnic in their containers. Guests can then help themselves to the salad, some dressing and a spoon of the summer herb sauce. Voila, no soggy salad!!