平日ランチ 11:00-16:00 (フードL.O. 15:00 ドリンクL.O. 15:30)
平日ディナー 17:00-23:00 (フードL.O. 22:00 ドリンクL.O. 22:30)
週末 11:00-23:00 (フードL.O. 22:00 ドリンクL.O. 22:30)

British Pie Week 4-9th March

British Pie Week   4-9th March

It’s British Pie Week back in the UK this week, an excuse to eat as many pies as possible. And we will be celebrating by making piles of pies – including some flavours we have not yet made in our new pub. Yes, Steak & Kidney and Smoked Mackerel!

And we will have a limited time dine-in option of your choice of pie served with chips or mash and Heinz baked beans. Classic and unbeatable!

We will also have takeout pies everyday and a takeout pie and salad lunch set from Tuesday to Friday.

On the sweet side, we are making rhubarb and apple pie, served with custard.

Please join us next week for a celebration of the great British pie